COMPACTOR I Excessive Weigh, Hazard
Use two or more people to move and install
IMPORTANT: compactor.
Installer:LeaveUseandCareGuidewiththe homeowner. Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.
Homeowner: KeepUseand CareGuide forfuture referenceand
for localelectricalinspector'suse, if required. 4. Placethe other two corner postson the floor to the side of
thecompactor.Graspthe sides ofthe compactor cabinet ant
_._,.._,_,_-_..:._%_"_-.- ,.:__'_'._._._-,_-_,o.-__..-_.o_. put compactoron itsside ontop of the corner posts. Remow
- -_" _ .... the shippingbase from the bottom of the compactor.
• Do not graspconsoleto movecompactor. _ ._
• Beginin the roomwherethe compactor will be located. _"_i_
1. Removecompactorfromshippingcarton.Removeall
protectivepackagingmaterialssuchas tape andshipping
pads. Usea mildsolutionof liquidhouseholdcleanerand
warmwaterto removewaxyresiduecausedby protective __ \,Jl
shippingmaterial. Dry thoroughlywith a soft cloth. Formore
information,seethe "CleaningYourCompactor" section.
2. Checkto be sure the power cord isattached to the cord clip
on therear of the compactor. 1,Levelinglegs
1.................._ __',_'._'_'_e'__'__:_'_._::_"_'_,_"_'_:
Check the location where your compactor will be installed.Th
cabinet openingshould be square. Youshould be able to fully
open thecompactor drawer.Allow6 in. (15,2cm) of clearancec
theright sideof thecompacter drawerto removecompactor ha!
Allow 23 in.(58.4 cm)infront of the compactor to removethe
Product dimensions
3. Placethe two corner posts fromthe carton on the floor near - _- _/-_
the compactor.Open the compactor drawer and removeany [_--
shippingmaterialsor otheritemsfrom the drawer.Donot
removethecompactor bag. Graspthe handle and raisethe
front ofdrawer until it clearsthe drawerstops. Graspsidesof
drawerand lift drawerout of compactor. Placethe draweron
thetwo corner posts.
15" 24"
(38.1cm) (61cm)