....... _"_'_'_ _ _..... (5.6 mm) _'_b " "mm)
The solid air freshener system is designed to help control odors
that might develop in the trash. An air freshener disc can be ""
purchased in department stores (not sold with compactor). Place
the disk-shaped solid air freshener into the air freshener
compartment. The air freehener should last 4 to 6 weeks. It is
used more rapidly when the temperature ishigh or the air is very 1 .......................
dry. 23_5_6"
(60.5 cm)
(8 mm)- _ Sll_"
t,_._:_ _ _ _,_, _,__,_ both aides (8 mm)
To ordera color-matched trimkit for the installationof a custom- 1,Raisedpanelor decorative trim.
made panel, contact your local authorized dealer. 2. Outersectionofpanel,
l_im Kits for Custom Front Panels: Raisedpanel: Theoutersectionof the panelmustbe
7/32" (5.6ram)thick to fit into trim. Raisedpanel
Order Part #TCDW (Trim kit for custom made panel) dimensionsasshownabove.
Order Part #TCBS (Stainless steel door panel)
The compacting ram Is the part of the compactor which
23_/_" compresses the trash, The compacting ram does not go to
(60,5 cm) the bottom of the drawer, You will not see compacting of
kash the first few times you load the compactor.
NOTE: The compactor drawer should be more than Z_ full
before the compactor can begin to compress the load,
You may hear a noise when glass breaks. Strong glass bottles
may not break at all. The trash in a full compactor bag will be
about V_the size of its original bulk.
(37.2 ¢m)
Flat panel:A 7132"(5,6ram)thick panelisrequired, r..... "_ _ -_
Thisis the samethicknessas astandard 1/4" _-=_ F]_,.__,
(6.4 ram,)plywood or paneling.
i i, '
I I l
tL i :
Load bulk'y trash, bottles, and cans in the center of the drawer
Bottles or cans not placed in the center may become caught
between the ram and the drawer. The Drawer Monitor Switch
then senses a "misload" and causes the ram to return to the %
posit(on without compacting.
'_ ,.._ ' _