Jenn-Air WM27260 Double Oven User Manual

Tendercuts of meatand poultrycan be roastedto a rich golden brownin the
convectionoven. Followgeneralrecommendationsfor mastingand useConvect
Refer to convectionmeat roastingchartfor recommendedcookingtemperature
and time, The chartcan serveas a guideto helpplanmealservingtime,
Minutesper pound will vary accordingto the size, shape, quality,and initial
temperatureof meatas wellasthe electricalvoltagein yourarea. Timesare based
on refrigeratorcoldmeat.
A largecut of meat willusuallyrequirefewer minutesper poundto roastthan a
smallercutof meat.
Do notusea roastingpanwith highsides;usepan providedwithoven.
Do not cover meat. Allow thecirculatinghot air to surround themeat and seal in
Sincethe breast meaton a largeturkeycooksmorequicklythanthe thigharea,
placea "foilcap"overthebreastareaafterdesiredbrownnessisreachedtoprevent
overbrowning.(See above.)
Astuffedturkeywill requireanextra.30 to60 minutesdependingonsize. Stuffing
shouldreachan internaltemperatureof 165°F.
Convect Roasting: Frozen to Finish
Meats(exceptpoultry)mayberoastedfrozentofinish. Followtheseguidelinesforthe
Usetemperaturesfor roastingfreshmeatsas recommendedby mostcookbooks.
Generally, most meats are roasted at 325°F. For best results do not use
guidesfor roastingfrozen meats. Roastingtimeswillvarydueto factorssuchas
coldnessofmeat,size, quality,or cut. tngenera.t,roastingtimes for frozentofinish
in the convectionoven will be approximatelythe same as fresh to finish in a
conventionalbake oven.
The guidelinesgivenfor roastingfresh meats intheconvectionovenalsoapplyto
roastingfrozen meats.
Insert meatthermometermidwayduringthe cookingprocess.