Jenn-Air WM27260 Double Oven User Manual

To set oven on Bake or Convection Bake or Convection Roast
1. Placeoven recksonproperrackpositions.(See p. 9.)
2. Touch Bake Pad or Convect BakePad or Convect RoastPad.
IndicatorWordsBAKE orCONVECT BAKE orCONVECT ROASTwillflashand
three dasheswill be showninthe Display.
Note: Ifmorethanfifteensecondselapsebetweentouchinga padandtouchingan
Arrow Pad, the Displaywillreturnto previousDisplay.
3. TouchUp orDown Arrow Pad(a) untildesiredoventemperatureappearsin the
(Allowablerangeis100° to550°.) Note: In bake mode,firsttapof an Arrow Pad
will giveyou 350°, In convectionbakeand convectionroastmode,firsttap of an
Arrow Pad willgive you3250.
Afterfour seconds,the ovenwillbeginto preheat. The indicatorWordsON, and
eitherBAKEorCONVECT BAKEorCONVECT ROASTwillappearinthe Display.
The temperatureshown willbe t O0°or the actua_oven temperaturewhicheveris
Example: If at 10 o'clockyou settheovenfor 350°for convectionbaking,after four
secondsthe Displaywill show:
Duringthepreheat,the Displaywillshowa risein5° incrementsuntilprogrammed
temperatureisreached, Whenthe ovenispreheated,theovenwillbeeponce,the
ON IndicatorWord will go off and the CONVECT BAKE indicatorWords and
programmedoventemperaturewill remainin theDisplay.
Note: Ovenwillpreheatfor approximately7 to 11 minutes.
Important: WheneverON appearsinthe Display,the ovenis heating.
To recall temperature sat during preheat: Touchthe appropriateBake Pad or
Convect Bake Pad orConvect Roast Pad, Ternpereturewillbe brieflydisplayed,
then willautomaticallyreturnto on-goingprogram.
To change temperature set: TouchappropriateBakePador Convect Bake Pad
or Convect Roast Pad and Up or Down Arrow Pad(s) for the new desired
temperature. Note: If you are loweringthe temperaturebelowthe currentoven
temperature,the IndicatorWord ON will appear briefly in the Display and the
4. TouchCancel Off Pad toturnovenoffat endof baking,