• Tender cuts of meat or marinated meets are best for broiling. This includes rib and
loincuts ofsteak, ground beef, ham steaks, poultrypieces or fish. For beet results,
steeks should be at least 1" thick. Thinner steaks should be pan-broiled.
• Do not cover broiler gridwith foil since thisprevents fat drippingsfrom draining into
the bottom of the pen.
• Before broiling,remove excess fatfrom meat and score edges of fat (do notcut into
meat) to prevent meat from cuding. SaJtafter cooking.
• To prevent dry surface on fish or lean meats, brush melted butter on top.
• Foods that require turning should be turned only once during broiling. Turn meat
with tongs to avoid piercing and loss of juices.
*An "o" after the rack number implies that the offset rack should be used,
Note: This chart is a suggested guide. The times may vary with food being cooked.
NOTE; A fan comes on dudng the BROIL cycle. If it does not,the oven broil element
willcycle on and off. Ifthe fan does not operate, contact your authorized Jenn-
Air Service Contractor for repair.