Before You Call for Service
Check the following list to be sure a service call is really necessary. A quick reference
of this manual,aswell asreviewingadditional informationon items tocheck, mayprevent
an unneeded service call.
If nothing on the oven operates:
• check for a blown circuit fuse or a tripped main circuit breaker.
• check if oven is properly connected to electric circuit in house.
If clock, indicator words, and/or lights operate but oven does not
• the controls may have been set incorrectly.
• clock controls may be set for delayed start of oven.
If the oven light does not work:
• the light bulb is loose or defective.
• oven light does not work during self-cleaning process.
If oven will not go through self-cleaning process:
• controls may be improperly set.
• door may not be locked.
• check the "Clean" and "Stop" time settings and the current time of dayon theclock.
If oven did not clean properly:
• oven may need longer cleaning time.
• excessive spills were not removed prior to self-cleaning process.
If oven door will not unlock:
• oven may not have cooled to safe temperature after self-cleaning process.
• electric current coming into the oven may be off.
If foods do not broil properly:
• the control may not be set properly.
• check rack position.
• voltage into house may be low.
If baked food is burned or too brown on top:
• food may be positioned incorrectly in oven.
• oven not preheated properly.