NOTE: When removing the drawer, there
is limited range of movement due to the
attached water hoses.
Lift the right edge of the drawer off its
runner. Slide that runner back into the
dishwasher. Lift the drawer completely off
the left-hand runner. Rotate drawer to the
right onto its side and place on the protec-
tive cover.
Slide the left-hand runner back into the
2. Reach inside the dishwasher to adjust the
feet using a 5 mm open end, box end, or
socket (if space permits) wrench.
Adjust for cabinet height and level. Place
a level on the drawer runners. Level the
dishwasher to within 3/32″ (2.4 mm) from
front to back.
Place a level across the drawer runners.
Level the dishwasher to within 3/32″ (2.4
mm) from side to side.
3/32" (2.4 mm) minimum
clearance to underside of counter
3. The dishwasher side attaching tabs are
accessed through holes in the sound insu-
IMPORTANT: All four attaching tabs are
the recommended mounting locations.
Secure the attaching tabs to the cabinet
using #8 phillips screws.
- Open the drawers to expose the chas-
sis trim.
- Center the extrusions.
- If using the optional top attaching brack-
ets, place the extrusion under the at-
taching brackets.
- Remove extrusion backing paper to ex-
pose the adhesive.
- Carefully place the extrusion on the trim
and press.
- Finish pushing dishwasher into opening.
1. Leave the protective cover on the floor.
Open the bottom drawer.
Press in the right-hand runner clip and
push it back about 6″ (15.2 cm).
Repeat with the left-hand runner clip.
runner clip