Food to be defrosted Weight
in g
in °C *
in minutes
Standing time
in minutes
Cutlets / chops /
800 60 25-35 15-20
Goulash 500 60 30–40 10–15
Goulash 1000 60 50–60 10–15
Liver 250 60 20–25 10–15
Minced meat 250 50 15-20 10-15
Minced meat 500 50 20-30 10-15
Roast meat Sliced 60 8-10 15-20
Saddle of hare 500 50 30–40 10–15
Saddle of venison 1000 50 40–50 10–15
Chicken 1000 60 40 15–20
Chicken escalopes 500 60 25–30 10–15
Chicken thighs 150 60 20–25 10–15
Turkey drumsticks 500 60 40–45 10–15
Baked goods
Creamed mixture
cakes / biscuits
400 60 15 10-15
Puff pastries / Yeast buns 60 10–12 10–15
Bread / rolls
Bread rolls 60 30 2
Rye bread, sliced 250 60 40 15
Wholegrain bread, sliced 250 60 65 15
White bread, sliced 150 60 30 20
Special applications