Oster Classic blender Blender User Manual

Foods for Blender Processhg
Dried fruit
Meat, boneless,
1 cup (250mL) 1 cup (250mL) l-inch (2.5cm) pieces
Oats (meal)
1 1% CUPS (325mL) 1 1 cup (250mL)
Orange or
lemon peel
1M cups (375mL) 3 cups (750mL)
l-inch (2&m) pieces
peel of 1 lemon
freeze in thin
l/4 cup (50mL)
or orange
1/2 cup (125mL)
strips first
Rice, raw
% cup (125mL) Y2 cup (125mL)
1% cups (300mL) 1 cup (250mL) turn OFF and scrape
2 cups (500mL) 3 cups (750mL) l-inch (2.5cm) pieces
1 cup (250mL) flour 1 cup (250mL)
wnole sptct
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Yi cup (50mL) 2-3 pieces l-inch (2.5cm) pieces)
-nutmeg 1 T (15mL) 3
break with nutcracker
Wheatberries 1% cups (300mL) 1 cup (250mL)
Zwieback rh cup (125mL) 6
break into container
NOTE: Since foods vary in size, consistency, and age, you may need to add or subtract a
processing time from the number state in this chart, to obtain the results you desire.