Configuration Option Tables
7510-A2-GB20-00March 1997
System Options Menu
For System Options, refer to Table A-1. To access the System Options screen,
follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Configuration (Load Configuration From)
Configuration Edit/Display
Table A-1. System Options (1 of 2)
Operating Mode
Possible Settings: DDS, LADS
Default Setting: DDS
The unit’s operating mode depends upon the DSU’s application.
DDS – Standard DDS network operation. The operating rate is either 56 kbps or
64 kbps CC.
LADS – The Local Area Data Set operating mode requires that the local and remote
units are connected directly to each other. This is a point-to-point application; also
known as LDM.
DDS Line Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 56, 64CC, Autobaud
Default Setting: Autobaud
The unit starts up with Autobaud. When the DDS line rate obtained from the service
provider is detected, Autobaud is replaced with the actual rate.
H DDS Line Rate (Kbps) option appears when Operating Mode is set to DDS.
NOTE: Setting the actual data rate will result in minimum power-up time.
Configuring the actual data rate is recommended after initial installation.
56 – 56 kbps line rate.
64CC – 64 kbps Clear Channel on a 72 kbps circuit.
Autobaud – This setting is automatically changed to the actual operating line rate of
56 kbps or 64CC as soon as the signal is detected.
LADS Timing
Possible Settings: Internal, External, Receive
Default Setting: Receive
Determines the timing source for the unit.
H LADS Timing option appears when Operating Mode is set to LADS.
Internal – Timing derived from the unit’s local clock. Use this setting for the LADS
primary timing unit that establishes the timing for both point-to-point units.
External – Timing is derived from the external clock provided by the DTE connected to
the V.35 interface on circuit CT113 (pins U, W).
Receive – Timing is derived from the line receive signal unless the unit is running
diagnostic tests. During the tests, the timing source is the internal clock. This setting
should be used for a LADS secondary timing unit.