· English
<Google Talk> Notification
1. In the friend’s list, it shows the IDs that camera is registered to and Google Talk
friends that receives real-time notification from the camera.
2. When enabled, you can receive real-time event notification through Google Talk
messenger and Smartphone push service.
To receive instant event notification, add the camera as a friend to your Google Talk
messenger account. You have to add the following user ID. (camera serial number@
xmpp.samsungsmartcam.com) (i.e., XXXXXXXX@xmpp.samsungsmartcam.com)
4. Once camera is invited, you will receive an instant message to enter the private key
for authentication. Enter the private key of the camera you are adding.
5. Once completed, you can see the Google Talk messenger ID in the camera My
Friends list.
6. Click Apply.
When enabled, camera will send a notification as a message to your Twitter account.
1. Click on “Request URL”.
2. Click on Get Token.
3. Twitter web page will pop-up for authorization.
4. Enter your Twitter user ID and password and click on “Authorize app” to get the
Access Token.
5. You will see the pin number generated. Copy the pin numbers and go back to the
camera page and paste the pin number in the Access Token section.
6. Click Apply.
The alarm notification will be sent to the specified user account via Twitter.
1. Please see the below table for the popular email server information.
Server Address
465 25 465
Use SSL.
Use Don’t Use Use
User Authentication
on on on
Full email address
Only ID without
Only ID without
Email password Email password Email password
Full email address Full email address Full email address
2. If your email provider is not listed, you need to get the email server information
from your email provider.
3. Add above information and receiver full email address and then click Add
<Receiver email address>