Q. Whentheovenispluggedintoawalloutletforthersttime,itdoesnotworkproperly.
A. The microcomputer used in the oven control may temporarily become scrambled and
fail to function as programmed. Unplug the oven from the wall outlet and then plug it back
in. The microcomputer will then reset for proper functioning.
Q. Whyistherenoisecomingfromtheturntablewhentheovenisturnedon?
A. This noise occurs when the turntable roller rest and cavity bottom are dirty. Clean the
turntable roller rest cavity bottom. Frequent cleaning of these parts should eliminate or
reduce the noise.
Q. Whyistherenoisecomingfromtheovenwhenreducingpower?
A. When cooking with a power other than maximum (PL 10), the oven cycles to obtain the
lower power level. The clicking noise can be heard when the oven cycles on and off. This
is normal.
Q. Whyistheresteamcomingoutoftheairexhaustvent?
A. Steam is produced during cooking. The microwave oven has been made to
vent this steam.
Q. Whatiswrongwhentheovenlightwillnotglow?
A. There may be several reasons why the oven light will not glow. The light bulb has burned
out or START/+30SEC. has not been pressed.
Q. Whydoeggssometimespop?
A. The egg yolk may pop because of steam build-up inside the membrane. Pierce the
membrane with a toothpick before cooking it. Never microwave eggs in the shell since
they may explode.
Q. Howareboil-oversavoided?
A. Use a larger utensil than usual for cooking. If you open the oven door or touch
STOP/CLEAR, the food will stop boiling.
Wipe the oven inside and outside with a soft
cloth and a mild detergent solution. Then
rinse and wipe dry. For best drying results,
use a cloth specially designed for
stainless steel surfaces. The cloth can
be found at most kitchen accessory and
hardware stores. This should be done on a
weekly basis, more often if needed. Never
use cleaning powders or rough pads.
Excessive oil splatters on the inside top will
Wipe splatters with a wet paper towel,
especially after cooking chicken or bacon.
The following parts may be removed as
described. They should be washed in warm
(not hot) water with a mild detergent and a
soft cloth. Once they are clean, rinse them
well and dry with a soft cloth. Never use
cleaning powders, steel wool or rough pads.
• Theturntablemaybecleanedatthe
sink. Be careful not to chip or scratch the
edges as this may cause the turntable to
break during use.
• Theturntablerollerrestshouldbe
cleaned regularly.
For best performance and safety, the inner
door panel and the oven front frame should
be free of food or grease buildup. Wipe them
often with a mild detergent. Then rinse and
wipe dry. Never use cleaning powders or
rough pads. After cleaning the control panel,
press STOP/CLEAR to clear any entries that
might have been entered accidentally while
cleaning the panel.