To Cancel The Door Open Audio Alarm PERMANENTLY
.1,:Pressthe START pad (ELECTRONIC
2, Nold theALARM CLEAR pae for
three (3)to !ive(5) seconds, Three (3)
short beeps will sound indicating the
instructions have been registered
= Audio Alarm Is Deactivated
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-To Reactivate The Door Open Audio Alarm
1. Press the START pad (ELECTRONIC three (3) to five (5) seconds Three (3)
TEMPERATURE CONTROL)• short beeps will sound indicating the
2. Hold the ALARM CLEAR pad for inslructions have been registered.
J, ,
= Audio AIarm is Reactivated
The indicator light will come on if the
freezer and/or refrigerator temperature
gets exCeSsively warm for an extended
period of time. The FRZ TEMP and/or
the REF TEMP indicator light will blink
to indicate which section is too warm
An alarm will also sound, Check for
possible food spoilage.
TO Discontinue The High Temperature Alarm
1. Pressthe ALARM CLEAR pad. The
audio alarm wil[ also discontinue if
the propertemperature is regained
. Jnthe refrigeratorandlor freezer sec-
.= High TempA_arm
tions, Check for possible food
NOTE: You must press ALARM
CLEAR to dear the high temperature
indicator light.
The CLEAN cOiL !ndicator light a_arm torwill run more efficient!y when the col!
Wilfcome Oh, without an a_udi0aiarml is clean For information on how to
eve,three.(3) months tOremind you to dean your condenser COil, refer to
clean the condenser coii. The refrigera- page 23 :
To Discontinue The Clean Coil Alarm : .,
The light Will automatically cancel in 72 as follows:
hours or you can turn it off prior to that 1 Press The ALARM CLEAR pad
/% Cancel:Clean Condenser
:_ Coil Alarm