Refer to removable parts section when cleaning your range.
Warm watar, amllddetergent, andasoftclotharesafetouseonallcleanablepartsofyourrange. Donotusemetalscourlng
pads, except where recommended.
Range €ooktop finishes will be either p0rcelaln enamel or brushed chrome. Porcelain enamel looks like a painted
surface. Brushed chrome has a metallic appearance.
Control panel knobs Detergent, warm water, soft cloth Do not use abrasive cleaners. Knobs pull off
for easier clcenlng.
Porcelain enameled Detergent, warm water, plastic or nylon Clean after each splllover. Rub bowls gently
cooktop, oven door scouring pad with scouring pad. Soak stubborn sell.
Brushed chrome cooktop
some models)
Chrome reflector bowls
Brown food stains
Blue/gold heat
Self-cleaning oven finish
Oven door gasket
Detergent, warm water, soft cloth or a
chrome cleaner or Sears Cooktop Clean-
Ing Creme_
Broiler pan and grlcl
Oven racks
Do not scour chrome tops. Stubborn stains
may be removed by using Esprea Magwheel
Cleaner® or Turtle Wax Polishing Com-
To remove fingerprints on brushed chrome, apply a little baby oil With apaper towel. Rub
i ln the direction of the brush marks. Armor All Protactant® can also be used (after
cleaning). Besuretocleansplllsofacldlcfoodsqulckly. VlnegsrspIIIscanpermanently
stain chrome.
Bowls can permanently discolor If exposed
to excessive heat or If soil Is allowed to bake
Detergent and water, plasUc scouring After each use, wash, rinse and dry to prevent
pads, mild abrasive cleaners, soap- difficult soils. If heavily soiled, place an
filled scouring pads, ammonia ammonia-soaked paper towel on stains to
loosen soil, then gently scrub with plastic
Metal polish sceurlng pad.
These stains are caused by overheating, nor-
To minimize: melly occur over a parlod of time, and usually
are permanent.
1. Avoid excessive use of the high heat seftlng. Use It to start cooking, then lower the
heat setting to finish cooking.
2. Use fiat bottom pans that do not extend more than two Inches from the surface
element. If large pans or canners are used, alternate the elements that are used.
Glass cleaner and paper towels
Detergent, warm water, scouring pad
or soap-filled steel wool pad
Do not use oven cleaner in or around
any part of the oven
Do not clean
Detergent, warm water, soap-filled
scouring pad, plasUc scouring pad,
commercial oven cleaner (pan only)
Detergent, warm water, scouring pad
or soap-filled steel wool pad
Remove stubborn soil with paste of baking
soda and water. Do not use abrasive
cleaners. Rinse thoroughly.
Rinse thoroughly after cleaning. Cleaning in-
side the oven need only be done as an op-
tlonaltouchup between self-clean cycles. See
the self-clcanlng oven section of this manuel
for more Information.
See self-cleaning section for more informa-
Remove soiled pan from oven to cool. Drain
fat or drippings. Fill pan with warm water.
Sprinkle grid with detergent and cover with
damp cloth or paper towels. Let pan and grid
soak for a few minutes. Rinse or scour as
needed. Dry well. Grid and pan may be
washed In a dishwasher.
Remove from oven toclean. Rinse thoroughly.
14 NECCH37-1