Thyme & Rosemary Pork Medallions Serves 4
4 x 150- 200g pork butterfly medallions
2 tablespoons olive oil
seasoned cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon dry thyme leaves
1 teaspoon dry rosemary leaves
Place pork medallions into a bowl, pour over
olive oil, sprinkle over cracked pepper, thyme
and rosemary. Coat the pork well. Allow pork
to marinate for 30 minutes, longer if time
prevails (preferably refrigerate overnight).
Preheat grill for 3-5 minutes. Spray grill
plates with cooking spray. Cook medallions
for 6 minutes or until cooked to your
Serve medallions with creamy mashed potato
and a tossed green salad.
Sweet Pork Medallions Serves 4
4 pork loin medallion steaks
tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon chilli sauce
teaspoon oil
Combine all ingredients for marinade in a
saucepan and stir over low heat until honey
has dissolved.
Place pork in a flat dish and pour marinade
over steaks. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
Preheat Contact Grill for 3-5 minutes.
Cook for 10-12 minutes or until cooked.
Serve on a bed of pasta or rice.
Satay Skewers Serves 4
500g pork meat, trimmed of fat and cut into
2cm strips
cup thick ready made satay sauce
cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
teaspoon chopped chilli
2 tablespoons freshly chopped coriander or
2 tablespoons finely chopped peanuts
Soak 12 bamboo skewers in water overnight.
Combine pork meat with satay sauce, lemon
juice, olive oil, chilli, coriander and peanuts
in a bowl. Marinate 30 minutes or preferably
Thread meat onto skewers.
Preheat grill for 3-5 minutes. Spray grill
plates with cooking spray. Cook 6 skewers
in two batches for 5 minutes each batch or
until tender.
Heat any remaining marinade over a low heat
in a frypan until fragrant. Serve over skewers.
Serve with steamed jasmine rice topped
with chopped coriander and finely chopped
peanuts in olive oil.
• If you can’t get a ready made satay sauce,
mix together
cup peanut butter with 1
freshly chopped chilli or
teaspoon chilli
paste or 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce.
Contact Grill Recipes continued