Caramelised bananas with Hot Chocolate Sauce
and Whipped Cream Serves 4
4 large bananas
¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Whipped cream, to serve
Hot chocolate sauce
100g dark chocolate, chopped
30g white marshmallows, chopped
150ml thickened cream
1. Preheat Kettle BBQ on SuperSear for 10
2. Cut bananas in half lengthways, leaving
the skin on. Sprinkle the combined sugar
and cinnamon over the cut bananas. Press
gently into the banana.
3. Place bananas, cut side down and cook
on the hot ribbed or flat plate uncovered,
for about 6 minutes or until the sugar has
caramelised and the banana has softened.
Serve bananas with hot chocolate sauce
and whipped cream.
4. To make the hot chocolate sauce, combine
all ingredients in a small saucepan and
cook, stirring, over a low heat, until
Grilled Mango Cheeks
with Sweet Lime Ricotta Cream Serves 4-8
4 large mangos
2 tablespoons caster sugar
Ricotta Cream
300g fresh ricotta
2 tablespoons icing sugar, sifted
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon grated lime zest
1 tablespoon lime juice
1. To make the ricotta cream, process the
ricotta, icing sugar, vanilla, lime zest and
juice in a food processor or mixer until
smooth. Transfer mixture to a bowl, cover
and refrigerate for 1 hour.
2. Preheat Kettle BBQ on SuperSear for 10
3. Cut 2 large cheeks (wide sides) from the
mango. Cut into flesh of mango in a criss
cross design, making sure that you don’t
cut through the skin.
4. Sprinkle the mango cheeks with the caster
sugar and place on hot grill flesh side
down, for about 5 minutes or until the
sugar browns.
5. Remove mango cheeks from Kettle King.
Carefully push mango from the skin side
so that the flesh all separates. Serve
mango cheeks topped with the lime ricotta
cream. Serve immediately.
Tip: Remove flesh from remaining mango
seeds. Roughly chop and freeze in ice cube
trays and use in smoothies.
Recipes (continued)