I f you use 3in 1 ta blets in other pro gram s, the appliance will not achi eve a good performance.
Only the 3in1 functi on(f or the prog ram : int ensive/No rmal/ E co. ) Can be used w ith 3in 1 ta bl ets.
Fill the detergent dispenser with deter gen t.
Th e m arking in d i c ates the dos i ng l eve ls , as
i ll us tra ted on t he ri gh t:
Th ep la ce of main wash cyc le de te rg ent plac ed ,
M IN means appr oximatel y2 0g of detergen t.“”
Th ep lace of pre-wash cycle det erge nt placed ,
ap proximat ely 5g of det ergent
Please obser ve th em anufact urer s do sing and stor age
Recommendationsas stated onthedetergent packaging.
Close the lid and press untilit locks in place.
I f the d ish es ar e heav i ly soi l ed, place an a d dit i onal
detergen t do sei n the pre-wash det erg ent chamber.Th is deter gent will take effect durin g the pre- wa sh phas e.
Fill in Detergent
You fi nd in form atio n abou t the amo unt of deterg ent for th esi ngle program me on the l ast page .
Pl eas e aware , tha t acc ord ing to the le vel soiling and the spe cific har dness of wa ter d iffer ence sa re possibl e.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer's recommendations onthe detergent packaging.
When using 3i n1 combination / com pact Det ergents ,pleas e pay att ention to make sure th at
the size of the combi nation detergent s fits to the dispenser so that combin ation
deterge nts can be ea sily put into the dispense r, and th e dispen ser would not b e broken.
Your dis hwa sher has a 3i n1 functio nw hich needs no sal t and rin se aid but a 3In1 tabl et.
This dishwas her com esw ith a 3in 1 tabl et cont aine r as an accessor y.
1.The figure below showshow to hangthe 3in1 tablet container onthe upper basket.
2. Rot ate th e upper spray er an dchange the locat ion o f the con tainer to en sure the uppe r sp rayer is no t
obstructedby the 3in1 tabletcontainer. Refer to the figurebelow for reference.
3. Put the 3in1 tablet intothecontainer ,then start the 3in1 program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function