3. Touch a Number Pad for
the new oooklng time you
want from 1 to 9 mlnutes.
The Display wlll.show what you
touched in even minutes. Thls
example shows 4 mlnutes.
4. Select a Cook Power.
(Optlon: Sklp to Step 6 If
you want to cook at HIGH
To select a Cook Power other than
POWER lndlcator Llght will come on
and the Dlsplay will show “P-HI:’ Thls
shows the oven Is preprogrammed to
cook at full (HIGH] power.
The Dlsplay will show what you
touched. This example shows you
touched Number Pad 5 for 50% of
full power.
5. Touch a Number Pad for
the Cook Power you want.
6. Touch START.
The AUTO SET Indicator Light will stay
on while the oven Is cooklng In the
preprogrammed cycle. If you
selected a Cook Power other than
HIGH, the COOK POWER lndlcator
Light will also come on. Thls shows
you the oven is cooklng at a se
lected Cook Power.
The Display counts down the time
to show how much cooklng time
is left.
For 2 of every 10 seconds, the
Display will show the Cook Power
you selected, If you are uslng a
Cook Power other than hlgh.
When Auto Set ends, “End” will show on
the Display and 4 beeps will sound.
(You can stop the beeplng by openlng
the door or by touching CANCEL)
“End” will remaln on the Display and a
remlnder tone will sound every 60
seconds (to remlnd you that food Is left
In the oven) until the door Is opened
or CANCEL Is touched. The Dlsplay will
then show the tlme of day.