Addmonal lntormatlofl
I;emperature may be changed after START Is touched by touching TEMF! the new number
and START.
Auto Set TEMP can be programmed to follow the Cook cycle, If deslred.
“PROB” will show on the Dlsplay after START Is touched If the probe Is not plugged Into the
oven. Thls will only appear when Auto Set TEMP has been selected alone, or between the
last Cook cycle and Auto Set TEMP selection.
“ERR” wfll show on the Dlsplay after START Is touched, If an Incorrect temperature has
been selected (under 90°F or over 200°F).
See “Hlnts for Uslng the Temperature Probe” on page 21.
Use QUICK DEFROST to thaw frozen food before cooklng. For suggested defrost times, see
the gulde behind the oven door or In your MICRO MENUS@ Cookbook. Do not use defrosting
tfmes developed for other types of defrost systems, as food may be partially cooked.
Do MS...
1. Put
frozen food ln Ihe oven
and close lhe door.
The QUICK DEFROST lndlcator Llght
will come on and the Dlsplay will
show four 0’s.
2. Touoh
Tou8h Number Fads for the
detrostlng time you want.
The Dlsplay will show the number
you touched In ihe order you
touched them. Thls example shows
2 mlnutes. 30 seconds.
4. Touch START.
The QUICK DEFROST lndlcator Llght
will stay on to show that the oven Is In
the Quick Defrost Cycle.
The Display counts down the time to
show how much defrosting tlme Is left.
When the defrost time ends, “End” will
show on the Dlsplay and 4 beeps will
sound. (You can stop the beeplng by
opening the door or by touching CAN-
CEL.] “End” will remaln on the Dlsplay
and a reminder tone will sound every
60 seconds (to remlnd you that food
. . _. . . . .
Is len In me oven] until me door Is
opened or CANCEL Is touched. The Dls-
play will then show the tlme of day.