Administrator Level Options
3-31 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
NAT RTP Port NAT RTP Port sip nat rtp port Indicates the port through which the RTP packets are sent. This
value must specify the beginning of the RTP port range on the
gateway or router.
The RTP port is used for sending DTMF tones and for the audio
stream. Your network administrator may close some ports for
security reasons. You may want to use this parameter to send
RTP data using a different port.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuring NAT Address
and Port (optional)” on page4-25.
N/A STUN Server sip stun ip IP address of the STUN server (also know as Simple Traversal of
UDP through NAT).
1. The NAT IP configuration parameters take precedence over
the STUN and TURN parameters.
2. STUN does not work if the NAT device is symmetric.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “STUN and TURN Proto-
cols” on page4-29.
N/A STUN Port sip stun port Port number of the STUN server (also know as Simple Traversal
of UDP through NAT).
1. The NAT IP configuration parameters take precedence over
the STUN and TURN parameters.
2. STUN does not work if the NAT device is symmetric.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “STUN and TURN Proto-
cols” on page4-29.
N/A TURN Server sip turn ip IP address of the TURN server (also known as Traversal Using
Relay NAT).
The NAT IP configuration parameters take precedence over the
STUN and TURN parameters.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “STUN and TURN Proto-
cols” on page4-29.
N/A TURN Port sip turn port Port number of the TURN server (also known as Traversal Using
Relay NAT).
The NAT IP configuration parameters take precedence over the
STUN and TURN parameters.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “STUN and TURN Proto-
cols” on page4-29.
N/A TURN User ID sip turn user Username that a user must enter when accessing an account
on the TURN server.
The NAT IP configuration parameters take precedence over the
STUN and TURN parameters.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “STUN and TURN Proto-
cols” on page4-29.
Parameter In
IP Phone UI
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in Configuration