Operational Features
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 5-107
The following table shows how the keys in the example above would display on the IP Phone UI.
Softkeys and programmable keys are configurable using the Aastra Web UI or the configuration files.
Programmable Keys
The following table provides the number of softkeys and programmable keys you can configure, and the number of lines
available for each type of phone that has programmable keys.
*The M670i expansion module consists of 36 softkeys. You can have up to 3 expansion modules on an IP phone totalling 108
**The M680i expansion module consists of 16 softkeys. You can have up to 3 expansion modules on an IP phone totalling
48 softkeys. Valid for 6865i and 6867i phones.
***On the 6753i, two of the 6 programmable keys are the DELETE and SAVE keys and can be programmed only if Adminis-
trator allows.
The "empty" key type allows a softkey to be removed quickly by deleting the softkey information from the configura-
tion file.
Softkey Idle Connected Notes
softkey1 Key 1 Key 2 Line displays for softkey1.
Key 1 in connected state is the Drop key. Idle and connected dis-
play as applicable.
softkey2 (not used) (not used) Softkey2 is not displayed.
softkey3 Key 2 (not used) DND displays for softkey3. Idle displays as applicable.
softkey4 Key 3 Key 3 Line displays for softkey4. Default state values (idle, connected,
incoming, outgoing) display as applicable.
softkey5 (not used) Key 4 (blank) A blank displays for softkey5. Connected displays as applicable.
softkey6 (not used) Key 5 Speeddial displays for softkey6. Connected displays as applica-
IP Phone Model Softkeys Expansion Module Keys Programmable Keys Lines Available
Handset Keys
9143i - Not Applicable 7 9 -
6730i - Not Applicable 8 6 -
6731i - Not Applicable 8 6 -
6735i 6 36 to 108*
(Model M670i)
60 to 180**
(Model M675i)
6753i - 36 to 108*
(Model M670i)
6*** 9 -
6755i 6 36 to 108*
(Model M670i)
60 to 180**
(Model M675i)
6863i - Not Applicable 3 2 -
6865i - 16 to 48**
(Model M680i)