Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 A-154
Park and Pickup Settings
map conf as dtmf
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Allows the phone to send the stored number as DTMF using the phone configured DTMF
method when the “Conf” key is pressed.
Format Boolean
Default Value 0
Range 0-1
0 (Disabled)
1 (Enabled)
Example map conf as dtmf: 1
sip park pickup config (global)
sip lineN park pickup config
(per line)
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the code to enter before entering the extension for where you want to park an
incoming call. The applicable value is dependant on the type of server in the network:
Server/Park & Pickup Values*
Asterisk 70;70;asterisk
Sylantro *98;*99;sylantro
BroadWorks *68;*88;broadworks
ININ PBX callpark;pickup;inin
*Leave “value” fields blank to disable the park and pickup feature.
For BroadSoft BroadWorks the following syntax is applicable:
Pauses can be introduced in the park and pick up dial codes by adding commas. Each
comma amounts to approximate 500ms.
Format Alphanumeric characters
Default Value <Blank>
Range See applicable values in table above.
Example sip lineN park pickup config: *68;*88;broadworks
sip park pickup config: *68,,,,,,,42;*88,,,,,,,42;broadworks