Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-59 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Parameter –
sip dial plan terminator
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies whether or not pressing the hash/pound (i.e. "#") key, while performing an out-
going call on an open line, should be sent as %23 to the proxy in the dial string or if the
key should be used as a dial plan terminator (i.e. dials out the call immediately).
When enabled, the hash/pound key does not act as a dial plan terminator and is instead
sent as %23 to the proxy in the dial string.
When disabled (default), the hash/pound key acts as a dial plan terminator.
Format Boolean
Default Value 0 (Disabled)
Range 0 (Disabled - # used as a dial plan terminator)
1 (Enabled - # sent as %23 in dial string)
Example sip dial plan terminator: 1
Parameter –
sip digit timeout
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Represents the time, in seconds, between consecutive key presses on the IP phone. The
default for this parameter is 4 seconds. If you press a key on the phone and wait 4 sec-
onds before pressing the next key, the key times out and cancels the digit selection. You
must press consecutive keys before the timeout occurs.
Format Integer
Default Value 4
Range Not Applicable
Example sip digit timeout: 6