Chapter 1
Getting Started
Using This Chapter This chapter describes the Agilent E1300B/E1301B Mainframe, defines the
instrument concept, and explains how plug-in modules are designated as
instruments in the mainframe. This chapter also contains introductory
programming examples showing how to read and set the mainframe’s clock and
calendar. This chapter contains the following sections:
• Mainframe Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
• Instrument Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
• Introductory Programming Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
The Agilent E1301B mainframe contains a front panel keyboard and display; the
Agilent E1300B has no keyboard or display. Otherwise, there is no conceptual
difference between the two mainframes. Both models provide a terminal based
user interface (Display Terminal Interface) through the built-in, or optional
plug-in serial interfaces. The front panel keyboard and display are discussed in
Chapter 2 of this manual. The Display Terminal Interface is discussed in
Chapter 3.
The mainframe handles such high level operations as language translation of
IEEE-488.2 Common Commands and SCPI (Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments) commands; module-to-module synchronization;
and memory management. When installed in the mainframe, SCPI-compatible
register-based plug-in modules behave as independent instruments operating
under control of SCPI commands and Common Commands. Plug-in modules
that are not SCPI-compatible must be programmed at a register level (see the
VXI:REG:WRITE and VXI:REG:READ? commands in Chapter 5 of this
manual for more information). Figure 1-2 shows the E1300B/E1301B
Mainframe’s A- and B-size plug-in module slots, GPIB
connector, RS-232 port,
and input/output ports.
Optional Mainframe
The mainframe comes from the factory with 256 kBytes of non-volatile memory
(RAM) for reading storage. You can install up to 2 MBytes of optional RAM.
The E1320A provides 500 kBytes while the E1321A provides 1 MByte of
memory. Optional RAM replaces the standard memory and is not in addition to
it (e.g. the mainframe with an optional 1 Mbyte module has 1Mbyte available).
Getting Started 1-1
* GPIB is the implementation of IEEE Std 488.1-1978.