Agilent E1326B/E1411B 5 1/2 Digit Multimeter (Standalone) Menu
Menu Levels and Content
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 User Entry Command(s) Used Description
VOLTMTR MONITOR DISP:MON:STAT ON Display instrument operations
VDC MEAS:VOLT:DC? Measure DC volts
VAC MEAS:VOLT: AC? Measure AC volts
OHM MEAS:FRES? Measure 4-wire ohms
TEMP THERMIS 2252 MEAS:TEMP? FTH,2252 Measure °C of 2252Ω thermistor (4-wire measurement)
5K MEAS:TEMP? FTH,5000 Measure °C of 5kΩ thermistor (4-wire measurement)
10K MEAS:TEMP? FTH,10000 Measure °C of 10kΩ thermistor (4-wire measurement)
RTD 385 MEAS:TEMP FRTD,85? Measure °C of 100Ω RTD with alpha = 385 (4-wire measurement)
392 MEAS:TEMP FRTD,92? Measure °C of 100Ω RTD with alpha = 392 (4-wire measurement)
TEST * TST? Run self-test, display results ( 0= pass; any other number= fail)
† Channel lists are of the form “ccnn” (single channel), “ccnn,ccnn” (two or more channels) or “ccnn:ccnn” (range of channels); where “cc” is the card number and “nn” is the channel
number. For example, to access channel 2 on card number 1 specify 102.
‡ The card number identifies a module within the Switchbox. The switch module with the lowest logical address is always card number 01. The switch module with the next
successive logical address is card number 02 and so on.
3-32 Using the Display Terminal Interface