:POKE DIAGnostic:POKE < address>,<width>,<data> writes data (number of
bits given by width) starting at address.
Parameters Parameter
Range of
address numeric 0 to 16,777,215 (# HFFFFFF) none
width numeric 8| 16| 32 none
data numeric 8 to 32 bit integer none
Comments • Address specifies a location within the range of the control processor’s
addressing capability.
• Address and data may be specified in decimal, hex (# H), octal (# Q), or
binary (# B) formats.
• CAUTION: DIAG:POKE can change the contents of any address in
RAM. Changing the contents of RAM used by the Command Module’s
control processor can cause unpredictable results.
• Related Commands: DIAG:PEEK?
Example Store byte in User non-volatile RAM
DIAG:POKE 16252928,8,255
:RDISk:ADDress? DIAGnostic:RDISk:ADDress? Returns the starting address of the RAM disc
volume previously defined with the DIAG:RDISk:CREate command. The RAM
disc volume is defined for use only by the IBASIC option.
Comments • DIAG:RDISk:CREAte does not allocate the RAM volume segment until
after a subsequent re-boot. To get accurate results, execute
DIAG:RDISk:ADDRess? after the re-boot.
• Related Commands: DIAG:RDISk:CREate, DIAG:RDISk:CREate?
Example Return the starting address of the IBASIC RAM volume.
enter statement statement returns decimal
numeric address
DIAGnostic :POKE
System Instrument Command Reference 7-25