Agilent E1328A 4-Channel D/A Converter Menu
Menu Levels and Content
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 User Entry Command(s) Used Description
D/A MONITOR CHAN1 DISP:MON:CHAN 1;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 1
CHAN2 DISP:MON:CHAN 2;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 2
CHAN3 DISP:MON:CHAN 3;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 3
CHAN4 DISP:MON:CHAN 4;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on channel 4
AUTO DISP:MON:CHAN AUTO;STAT ON Monitor instrument operations on active channel
OUTPUT VOLTAGE CHAN1 voltage † VOLT1 < voltage> Output voltage on channel 1
CHAN2 voltage † VOLT2 < voltage> Output voltage on channel 2
CHAN3 voltage † VOLT3 < voltage> Output voltage on channel 3
CHAN4 voltage † VOLT4 < voltage> Output voltage on channel 4
CURRENT CHAN1 current ‡ CURR1 < current> Output current on channel 1
CHAN2 current ‡ CURR2 < current> Output current on channel 2
CHAN3 current ‡ CURR3 < current> Output current on channel 3
CHAN4 current ‡ CURR4 < current> Output current on channel 4
TEST * TST? Run self-test, display r esults ( + 0= pass; any other
number= fail)
†Enter voltage values in volts. Typical examples are: + 3.5, -2, + 500E-3.
‡Enter current values in amps. Typical examples are: .05, + 200E-3.
Using the Display Terminal Interface 2-21