*IDN? Identity. Returns the device identity. The response consists of the following four
fields (fields are separated by commas):
• Manufacturer
• Model Number
• Serial Number (returns 0 if not available)
• Firmware Revision (returns 0 if not available)
The *IDN? command returns the following command string for the E1301B:
This command will return the following string for the E1300B:
NOTE The revision will vary with the revision of the ROM installed in the system. This
is the only indication of which version of ROM is in the box. The major number
(01 in the examples) indicates whether there have been functional changes made
in this ROM. The minor number (00 in the examples) indicates whether only
bug fixes and minor changes were made.
Example Get the ID fields from the system and print them.
10 DIM A$[50] Dimension array for ID fields
20 OUTPUT 70900;"*IDN?" Queries identity
30 ENTER 70900;A$ Places ID fields in array
40 PRINT A$ Print ID fields
50 END
*LMC? Learn Macros Query. Returns a quoted string name for each currently defined
macro. If more than one macro is defined, the quoted strings are separated by
commas (,). If no macro is defined, then a quoted null string ("") is returned.
*LRN? Learn query command. *LRN? causes the instrument to respond with a string of
SCPI commands which define the instrument’s current state. Your application
program can enter the *LRN? response data into a string variable, later to be
sent back to the instrument to restore that configuration.
Example response from an Agilent E1326B voltmeter in the power-on state:
*RST;:CAL:ZERO:AUTO 1; :CAL:LFR + 60; VAL + 0.00000000E+ 000;
:MEM:VME:ADDR + 2097152; SIZE + 0; STAT 0; :RES:APER
+ 1.666667E-002; OCOM 0; RANG + 1.638400E+ 004; RANG:AUTO
1;:VOLT:APER + 1.666667E-002; RANG + 8.000000E+ 000; RANG:AUTO
1; :TRIG:COUN + 1; DEL + 0.00000000E+ 000; DEL:AUTO 1; :TRIG:SOUR
IMM; :SAMP:COUN + 1; SOUR IMM;TIM + 5.000000E-002 S
7-68 System Instrument Command Reference