Function Reference
Set Time/Date
An increase in sensitivity may also require a narrower video bandwidth, which
will slow the sweep speed. Normally, the optical spectrum analyzer selects the
greatest sensitivity possible that does not require amplification changes dur-
ing the sweep. If you manually increase the sensitivity level, the sweep pauses
to allow this change in gain.
The settings for sensitivity, video bandwidth and sweep time interact. If the
sensitivity is set to manual, the video bandwidth and sweep time may be
forced to Auto mode. If the video bandwidth is set to manual, the sensitivity
and sweep time may be forced to Auto. If the sweep speed is set to manual
and is set too fast, the over sweep indicator will come on in the display area.
Since these settings interact, it is recommended that only one of the settings
be changed, whichever setting is most important to the measurement task
being performed.
Key Path Amplitude > Sensitivity
Related Functions Amplitude Setup (Auto Ranging), Reference Level
(Automatic) SENSe: POWer:DC:RANGe:LOWer:AUTO
(Manual) SENSe: POWer:DC:RANGe:LOWer
Set Time/Date
Accesses the time/date setup panel. The selections are current time (24-hour
format), current date, and time zone. To make changes:
• use the navigation keys to select the dialog box
• use the numeric entry keys to change the time and date
• use the step keys to change the time zone and month
• press Set Time/Date when the desired changes are completed
Changing the time, date, or time zone causes the instrument to reboot with
the current information.
Key Path System > More System Functions > Set Time/Date