Function Reference
Wavelength Units
Wavelength Units
Sets the display wavelength units to nm, µm, or Ang.
Angtrom (Ang) is a unit of measurement of wavelength of light and other radi-
ation equal to one ten-thousandth of a micron or one hundred-millionth of a
Key Path Wavelength > Wavelength Setup > Wavelength Units
Zero Now
Causes the auto zero function to run immediately. This allows you to manually
zero the instrument when the auto zero function is off.
In Auto Zero mode, the instrument compensates for temperature-related cur-
rent drift between each sweep. Although this “zeroing” increases amplitude
accuracy, it also increases the time between sweeps. If amplitude accuracy is
not critical to your measurement, turn off zeroing to improve throughput.
The instrument performs a more complete zeroing when the instrument is
first turned on. You can run this more complete routine anytime by pressing
the Zero Now softkey.
Key Path System > More System Functions > Service Menu > Adv Service Functions
> Zero Now