non-normalized amplitude scale, 3-3
normal marker, 1-15
units, setting, 3-40
normal/delta marker interpolation, 3-40
display scale, 3-3
number of points, sweep, 3-88
operating system revision, 3-73
optimize sensitivity, 3-12
Options menu, 1-17
package contents, 1-8
packaging for shipment, 6-24
panels, setup, 2-3
part numbers, 1-31
Peak Excursion softkey, 3-57
peak excursion, setting, 3-41
peak search, 3-80
end of each sweep, setting, 3-42
performing, 1-14
Peak Search softkey, 3-58
Peak to Center softkey, 3-57
Peak to Ref Level softkey, 3-59
Perform Calibration softkey, 3-60
pit excursion, 3-60
pit excursion, setting, 3-41
pit search, 3-80
Pit Search softkey, 3-61
polarization dependence, 7-4
power calibration
date, 3-8
setting, 3-8
Power Display softkey, 3-62
power meter
display, 3-62
display area, moving, 3-46
units, 3-63
Power Meter Mode softkey, 3-62
Power Meter Zero softkey, 3-63
Preset key, 3-13, 3-65
Print key, 1-16, 3-66
changing the paper, 6-2
connecting, 1-10
head cleaning, 6-4
Printer Setup softkey, 3-67
Printer Shares softkey, 3-67
display, 1-16
over network, 3-67
printing, external or internal, 3-67
product information, 1-12
Pwr Mtr Units softkey, 3-63
rear panel
descriptions, 1-4
recall data, 2-24
Recall Menu softkey, 3-69
recall setup panel
measurement/trace data, 3-67
recall from, 3-68
REF annotation, 3-69
reference level, 3-7
reference level position, 3-70
Reference Level softkey, 3-69
reflection X, 4-7
regulatory information, 7-21
setup panel, GPIB address, 3-19
Remote File Sharing, 3-31, 3-77, 3-97
remote front panel, 4-2
remote setup panel, GPIB address, 3-47
Repeat Sweep softkey, 3-71
repeatability, tuning, 7-3
reproducibility, 7-3
Reset Min/Max Hold softkey, 3-73
resets, 2-3
FWHM, 7-3
restore internal memory, 2-20
Restore Internal Memory softkey, 2-20, 3-73
returning for service, 6-21
Revision softkey, 3-73
safety information, 1-iii
Save menu softkey, 3-75
save setup panel