Using the Instrument
Analyzer Operating Modes
Note If the file saved in filter mode is recalled into an instrument with firmware
revision B.04.02, a critical error occurs, indicating a grating positioning failure.
Restart the instrument to clear the error and then continue making
Filter Mode
For Agilent 86141B only
In the filter or instrument mode, the analyzer acts as a fixed-tuned, variable
wavelength, variable bandwidth, bandpass filter. It filters the input light at a
specified wavelength. The filtered light is available at the front-panel mono-
chromator output connector. Adjust the analyzer’s resolution bandwidth to
change the amount of filtering. (Any of the resolution bandwidths may be cho-
sen.) One application of the preselector mode is the filtering (that is, select-
ing) of one particular mode of a laser source.
When the preselector mode is entered, the sweep stops with the analyzer fix-
tuned at the center wavelength. (If a marker is on, the analyzer is fix-tuned at
the marker wavelength.) The last trace remains displayed to show the input
spectrum before the filtering. A marker shows the wavelength of the preselec-
tion. You can change the filtered output (preselection) wavelength by adjust-
ing the marker’s position. If the input spectrum changes, a softkey, Take
Sweep, is provided for capturing a new sweep.
Preselecting a light source (for 86141B)
1 Connect the light source to the optical spectrum analyzer’s front panel
monochromator input connector.
2 Press Auto Meas. After the routine has finished, check that the display shows
the wavelength range of interest. Adjust if necessary.
3 Press Applications > Measurement Modes > Filter Mode > Res BW. Use
the knob, step keys, or numeric keypad to enter the desired amount of
resolution bandwidth filtering.
4 Press Take Sweep (Applications > Measurement Modes > Filter Mode > Take
Sweep) to update the display to show the results of the new resolution
bandwidth filtering.