Using the Instrument
Calibrating Wavelength Measurements
Internal Wavelength Calibration
The optional internal calibrator (1513 to 1540 nm) provides a convenient
method for increasing wavelength accuracy when used with an internal
Enhanced Wavelength Calibration (EWC) process. The wavelength accuracy
of the OSA will be ±0.2 nm over the full wavelength range of the instrument,
with ±10 pm over 1480 to 1570 nm and ±25 pm accuracy over 1570 to 1620
The EWC range can be selected for either the “full” OSA range of 605 nm to
1670 nm, or the “telecom” range of 1270 to 1670 nm, a smaller span more rele-
vant to telecommunications. EWC must be enabled for the wavelength accu-
racy specifications to apply in the range selected. Setting the range to FULL
will require a longer calibration time for an internal calibration, but will pro-
vide enhanced wavelength accuracy over the full range.
Manual method using the internal calibrator
1 Access the EWC setup panel:
System > More System Functions > Service Menu > Adv Service Functions
> More Adv Service Menu > Enhanced Wvl Cal Setup
2 Enable the function, if necessary, and select the desired calibration range.
3 Clean all connectors and connect the internal calibrator to the OSA input.
4 Access the Wavelength Calibration setup panel:
System >Calibration > Wavelength Cal Setup
5 Set the signal source to Calibrator.
6 Press Perform Calibration.
Remote method using the internal calibrator
CALibration:WAVelength:EWC:FUNCtion ON !Enable enhanced wavelength
CALibration:WAVelength:EWC:RANGe TELE !Select telecom (1270-1670) nm range
for enhanced wavelength calibration.
CALibration:WAVelength:INTernal:NORMal !Perform internal wavelength
!The internal calibrator must be
connected before sending this