Mac mini (Late 2009) Symptom Charts — Startup and Power 32
Deep Dive
Check Result Action Code
Run Apple Hardware Test or 1.
Apple Server Diagnostics. Was
an error generated?
Yes Suspect possible fan or
sensor error. Check fan
cable connection to the
interconnect board.
No Go to step 2.
Does noise sound like fan 2.
running faster than expected?
Yes Reset SMC by disconnecting
power cord for ~15 seconds
then retest. If issue continues
go to step 3.
No Go to step 5.
Does the noise change when 3.
the optical drive is being
accessed or media is inserted
or ejected?
Yes Suspect issue with optical
drive or the media being
used. Jump to ‘Optical Drive
Noisy’ symptom ow for
additional information.
No Go to step 4.
Mute the system volume. Verify 4.
whether the issue still occurs.
Yes Go to step 5.
No Suspect issue with speaker
or audio circuitry. Jump
to ‘Distorted Sound
From Internal Speakers’
symptom ow for additional
Remove fan and rotate the 5.
blades. Verify that fan blades
spin smoothly without
interference from fan housing.
Yes Go to step 6.
No Replace fan. P04