Mac mini (Late 2009) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 47
Inspect hard drive, interconnect 5.
board, and connectors for bent
pins, or other damage to the
Yes Replace interconnect board.
Go to step 8
No Go to step 6
Reseat interconnect board, 6.
hard drive and logic board
connections and verify whether
computer starts up
Yes Go to step 8
No Replace interconnect board,
go to step 8
Test with known good hard 7.
drive. Verify that system boots
successfully and that Disk utility
‘Verify’ function reports no
Yes Install user drive, go to step 9
No Interconnect board veried
or replaced and known good
Hard drive installed, replace
logic board.
Reboot computer. Verify that 8.
system boots successfully and
that Disk utility ‘Verify’ function
reports no errors.
Yes Issue resolved. Return system
to user.
No Go to step 7
Reboot computer. Verify that 9.
system boots successfully and
that Disk utility ‘Verify’ function
reports no errors.
Yes Issue resolved
No Hard drive appears to be
defective. Go to step 10
Replace hard drive. Does drive 10.
format correctly with a GUID
partition map and install Mac
OS without errors?
Yes Issue resolved by replacing
hard drive.
No Interconnect board veried
or replaced and known good
Hard drive installed, replace
logic board..