Mac mini (Late 2009) Symptom Charts — Input/Output Devices 65
Install known good speaker 4.
into location where distorted
sound was heard. Verify that
sound quality improves.
Yes Speaker bad. Replace speaker
and retest.
No Suspect speaker amplier.
Replace audio board.
Audio: Built-in Speaker Has No Audio
Quick Check
Symptoms Quick Check
Audio: Built-in Speakers Have No
No audio from speaker.•
Audio from speaker distorted•
Launch System Preferences and select Sound/1.
Output options. Verify that the sound output
option is set to system’s internal speaker.
Launch System Preferences and select Sound/2.
Output options. Verify that the ‘Output Volume’
setting is set above the minimum level and that
the ‘mute’ option is not selected.
Launch System Preferences and select Sound/3.
Output options. . Verify that ‘Balance’ is set to
middle position
Reseat PRAM.4.
Go to Deep Dive..5.
Deep Dive
Check Result Action Code
Verify whether boot chime 1.
is present when system is
powered ON. Note: make sure
audio output preferences are
not set to mute and volume is
set to mid-range.
Yes Go to step 2
No Audio board not detected by
system. Reseat audio board,
then retest. Replace audio
board if problem persists.
Launch System Preferences and 2.
select Sound/Output options.
Set speaker balance to the
middle, then play a sound le.
Verify that sound is generated
by the speaker and that the
sound quality is acceptable..
Yes Speaker and amplier
circuitry OK. Go to step 3.
No Go to step 6.