Mac mini (Late 2009) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 59
Connect known good optical 3.
drive to Interconnect board. Do
both types of media reliably
read now?
Yes Interconnect board
connections on logic board
good. Go to step 5
No Replace Interconnect board
and test (X03). If issue persists,
replace logic board (M19). Go
to step 6
Connect original optical drive 4.
to known good interconnect
board. Do both types of media
reliably read now?
Yes Interconnect board issue.
Replace interconnect board.
Go to step 6
No Replace optical drive. J03
Test write data to compatible 5.
CD and DVD media. Verify
burned media is recognized
and reads reliably.
Yes Issue resolved.
No Go to step 7 J03
The balance of some media 6.
may not perform at higher
speeds supported by the drive.
Does slowing the requested
burn speed allow the discs to
write reliably?
Yes Media issue. No repair
No Replace optical drive. J07
Optical Drive Noisy
Quick Check
Symptoms Quick Check
Optical Drive Noisy (J04)
Noise during boot•
Noise during operation•
Noise when drive is copying or •
writing data
Test optical media in another drive of the same 1.
type in same type of machine to rule out media
Check with Known Good Discs like the Install 2.
disks that came with the computer.
Check to see if noise occurs without media in the 3.
drive. If so, check hard drive (H06) and fan (M18)
caused noise.