
Mac mini (Late 2009) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 54
Optical Drive Not Recognized
(For systems with optical drives)
Quick Check
Symptoms Quick Check
Drive Not Recognized/Mount
Discs inject and eject, but do
not appear in Finder
Use Apple System Proler Serial-ATA section to 1.
see if the optical drive appears.
Apple System Proler Serial-ATA section will show 2.
any media inserted.
Check Finder Preferences and make sure “CD’s, 3.
DVD’s and iPods” is checked under “Show these
items on the desktop” in the General section.
Check both CD and DVD media. If only one type 4.
of media is recognized, there is a laser issue.
Replace optical drive (J03).
Deep Dive
Check Result Action Code
Is the optical drive listed in the 1.
Serial-ATA section of the Apple
System Proler?
Yes Go to step 2
No Go to step 3
Test both CD and DVD media. 2.
Can drive read both CD media
and DVD media?
Yes Go to step 6
No Drive has a laser issue.
Replace the optical drive. If
both types media fail, check
Finder Preferences then go to
step 3
Reseat interconnect board at 3.
logic board and optical drive.
Do both types of media read
reliably now?
Yes Go to step 6
No Go to step 4
Connect known good optical 4.
drive to interconnect board. Do
both types of media reliably
read now?
Yes Interconnect board and port
on logic board good. Go to
step 5
No Replace interconnect board
and test (X03). If issue persists,
replace logic board (M19). Go
to step 6