2Connectivity and access to an S8100 system
Physical connections
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 147
November 2003
2 Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon and select Sharing. The following dialog displays:
3 When the dialog displays, select Share this folder and click the New Share button.
The New Share dialog appears.
4 Enter a share name (for example, “Laptop CD-ROM”).
5 Select Maximum allowed for the User limit and click OK on the New Share and Properties
The CD-ROM drive is now shared. The following procedures describe how to connect to the CD-ROM
drive from S8100 server.
1 Establish a connection from the laptop to the S8100 server.
a On the laptop, open Internet Explorer and enter (the IP address of the S8100
server) in the IE address window.
b Click Administer System and login using lucent3 for the login ID and password.
c Click the Continue button when the Notice screen appears.