6 Hardware additions
244 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
Corresident DLG
The coresident DLG functionality is on the S8100 Media Processor. This feature must be enabled in the
license file. If so, the Co-Res DEFINITY LAN Gateway? field on the System-Parameters Customer-
Options form will be set to y.
ADJ-IP and ASAI-IP are the two CTI link types supported by the coresident DEFINITY LAN Gateway
(DLG) feature. The ASAI-IP link is the Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI) link between
S8100 and an ASAI adjunct. The Adjunct IP link is the ASAI proprietary link between S8100 and
CentreVu-CT. The ASAI endpoint is connected to an Ethernet LAN.
To use the ASAI-IP and ADJ-IP link types, the license file must turn on the following features: “Co-Res
DEFINITY LAN Gateway” and “ASAI Link Core Capabilities” (for ASAI-IP links) and/or “Computer
Telephony Adjunct Links” (for ADJ-IP links). These settings can be verified by displaying the System-
Parameters Customer-Options form. In addition, the links must be administered on the DLG
Administration page of the IP Services form.