Checklists and job aids
Upgrade an S8100’s R9.5 software by replacing the S8100
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 29
November 2003
20 Wait approximately 5 minutes, then
connect the laptop to the service jack on the
front of the TN2314 Processor board.
a Connect a cable from the laptop’s PCMCIA Ethernet
card to an RJ45 coupler.
b Connect a cross-over (flip) cable from the coupler to
the RJ45 service jack on the front of the TN2314
Processor board.
21 LT-IE – Connect to the TN2314 processor
with Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Explorer on the laptop, type in the
URL address bar, and press Enter.
22 LT-IE – Open the S8100’s desktop.
Note: Terminal server client and terminal
services Active X must be installed on the
laptop. The easiest way to do this is to
upgrade your Windows 95 laptop’s browser
to Internet Explorer 5.5.
a Click ‘Administer System’ and login using lucent3
for login and password. A domain is not required.
Select 'continue' at license agreement window.
b Select ‘Login to <xxx>’ under Remote Control –
Terminal Services (where <xxx> is the host name used
for this system).
c If a VBScript error message appears, click OK.
d Click the Connect button (leave the Server field
e If a VBScript message appears, click OK (you can
resize the Terminal Services screen to full size by
pressing ctlr-alt-Pause). A login window will open.
f Login using lucent3. After login, the S8100’s
Windows 2000 desktop is displayed.
23 SDT – On the S8100’s desktop, double-
click the time display and set the time, time
zone, date, and Daylight Savings.
The time display is in the tool tray at the lower right of the
24 SDT – Disable modem compression. a Click Start → Settings → Control Panel.
b Double-click Phone and Modem Options.
c Click the Modems tab.
d Select the installed modem and click Properties.
e Click the Advanced tab.
f Click Change the Default Preferences.
g In the Compression drop-down list, select Disabled.
h Close each dialog by clicking OK, and close the
Control Panel window.
25 SDT – Open a bash shell window. Click Start → Run → bash.
26 BS – Verify the software’s version. Type swversion. Ensure that the Release number and
MultiVantage version number are as expected.
Step Details