
IMap CD-ROM for an S8100 upgrade
Prepare to access the S8100
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 339
November 2003
I Map CD-ROM for an S8100 upgrade
This appendix provides the steps to map the S8100’s server to your laptop’s CD-ROM drive so that the
server can copy files from a CD-ROM in the laptop.
Prepare to access the S8100
1 Log into your laptop.
Activate the Guest account
Check the Guest account’s current setting
1 At the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon, and select Manage in the help menu.
The Computer Management console displays.
2 Expand "Local Users and Groups" by clicking its "+" sign, and then click the "Users" folder.
A red "X" in the "Guest" user’s icon indicates that this user is currently disabled.