10Security and copy protection
Software copy-protection mechanisms
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 265
November 2003
10Security and copy protection
This chapter provides information about software copy protection for an Avaya S8100 Media Server.
Software copy-protection mechanisms
This section provides information about software copy-protection methods for the installation, repair, and
upgrade of procedures related to the TSC/COE.
Copying software from one machine to another is more of an issue with S8100’s Windows 2000 Server
platform running the 3 primary applications (DEFINITY, INTUITY AUDIX, and Avaya Site
Administration) than with a proprietary system.
Security measures add a level of impedance (time, money, expertise, etc.) to the process to discourage
copying without permission. The possibility exists for someone with physical access to break into a
system. There are 2 types of software protection in the S8100 environment: feature and copy protection.
Feature protection
Feature protection has specific feature protection capabilities or capacities within an application. It
controls the capabilities provided by the application. As an example, the copy protection for DEFINITY
feature translations supports a “customer options” administration form to tailor operation of DEFINITY
to a specific customer.
Copy protection
Copy protection prevents software copying. A special mechanism associated with an S8100’s license file
prevents the software from running on other systems.