VECI093DBDManual 050205 5/5/05 6:32 PM Page iv
5 For negative-grounded vehicle, connect POSITIVE (RED) clamp from battery chargel to POSITIVE
(POS, P +) ungrounded pox of balter_ Connect NEGATIVE (BLACK) clamp _ vehicle chassis or
engine block away from batter_ Do rl_ connect clip to carburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-meal body
paris¸ Connect to heavy gauge metal part of the frame or engine block¸
6 For posifive-grou_/ded vehicle¸ connect NEGATIVE (BLACK) clamp from battery charger Io
NEGATIVE (NEG, N, ½ ungrounded pox of battery¸ Connect POSiTiVE (RED) clamp to vehicle
chassis or engine block away from battery¸ Do not connect clip to carburetor, fuel lines or sheet-
metal body parts¸ Connect to a heavy gauge metal part of the frame or engEne block¸
7 When disconnecting charger, disconnect AC cord, remove clamp from vehicle chassis¸ and then
remove clamp from battery terminal
8 Do not charge the battery while the el_gine is operating¸
9 See operating instructions for lenglh of charge information¸
FoRow _.hese steps when the battery has been removed from a vehicle. A spark near
the battery may cause an exptosion. To reduce risk of a spark near the battery:
1 Check polarity of battery po_s The POSiTiVE post (marked POS,E +) usually has a larger diameter
than the NEGATIVE battery po_ (marked NEG, N, )
2 Attach a 24-inch (minimum length) 6 AWG insulated battery cable to lhe NEGATIVE battery post
(marked NEG, N, )
3 Connect the POSiTiVE (RED) battery clamp Io the POSiTiVE baltery po_ (marked POS, P + or red)¸
4 Stand as far back from the battery as possibler and do n_ face battery when making final
6 Carefully conne_ the NEGATIVE (BLACK) charger clamp to tbe free end of the battery cable
connected to the NEGATIVE lerminal
6 Set the dlarge rate to appropriate setting according to battery size¸
7 Wben disconnecting charger, always do so in reverse sequence of connecting procedure and break
first connectfel/ while as far away from battery as practical¸
Note: A marine (boat) battery must be removed and charged on shore. To charge
on board requires equipment specfaRy designed _r marine use. This unft is
NOT designed for such use.
This device complies witb part 15 of the FCC rules Operat[oll is subject Io lhe following two
conditions: (1) tbis device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mu_ accept
any interference receivedr including i_erference that may cause undesired operation¸
This equipment bas been tested and found to comply with tbe limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules¸ These limits are designed to provide reasonable prolectiol/
again_ harmful inlerfer ence in a residel/fial il/slallation This equipmel/t generatesr uses and call
radiate radio frequel_cy energy andr if n_ in.ailed and used in accordance with tbe
in_ructions, may c_use h_rmful interfererlce to rEidio communications However, tbere is no
guara_ee that interference will n_ occur in a particular in_allation [f equipme_ does cause
harmfel interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning _e
equipment off and Onr the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
of the following measures:
* Reorient or refecate the receiving antenna¸
o increase tbe separation between equipment and receiver¸
* Connect the equipment into an outlet on a ci_uit different from that to which tbe receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an expedenced radio/TV technician for help¸
_'oNJrols alJd J(]lca(ois
Operating NSTrUCT[ON_
Charge Rate Selection
Charging the Batter
Automatic Float Charglug
Enghe Staff
Recondition Mode
AItematoi Check
Approximate Chal #n rimes
Ca/e and Maiutenance
[roubleshooR j
Thank you for selecting the 40/20/70/4 Amp Smart Battery Charger. With
proper care and use, it will give you years of dependable service, This battery
charger has a high charge rate of up to 40 amps, a low charge rate of 4 amps and
110 amps of engine starting power, It is designed for charging only
12 volt lead-acid batteries- conventional automotive, maintenance-free, marine
deep cycle and gel -- used in cars, trucks, farm equipment, boats, RVs and SUVs,
lawn mowers/garden tractors, motolcycles, personal watelcraft, snowmobiles, ATVs
and various applications.
Smart Battery Chargers feature g-stage high-efficiency charging technology built-in
microprocessor control that ensures fast, safe and complete charging of serviceable
Charge Curve
Stage One -- Rapid Start Charge at 40 amps delivers maxJrnum charging
amperage to "wake up" any serviceable 12 volt battery and allows fol quick engine
starting in just 1 minute (based on a midsize vehicle battery at 50% charge level),
Whet] battery reaches a maximum safe predetermined voltage, the charger will
automatically signal a "beep" and move into Stage 2 of the charging process.