AutomaticFloat Charging
Automatic Float Charging is ideal for m_intaining a fully charged battery.
1, Keep tile AC power and battery conrlected after battery isfully charged,
2. The chargel monitols the battery and tops it off as needed.
3, The Float Charge indicator lights; the display shows charge current when topping
off the battery and returns to "FUL" when completed,
4. To view battery voltage, press tile Battery Voltage button.
Note: Charging can be termblated by pressing the charge rate selector button at any
time when unit is charging. After AC power interruption, chargittg restarts at 4
amp rate automatically and the battery type will default to "GEL",
if battery size is not known, charge at the 4 amp rate, DO NOT
overcharge batteries.
Equalizing is the process by which the fluid in each of a battery's cells is equalized.
This process occurs after charging is complete,
= Remove or disconnect the vehicle's battery when equalizing.
The frequency wllich the equalization process needs to be run depends on the use of
the battery. The more the battery is used, the more undercharged it becomes; thus the
more frequently the battery should be equalized.
1. Do not use this mode on sealed or valve regulated batteries, This mode is only
meant for wet (unsealed/vented) batteries.
2. Make sure there are no flammable sources near the recharging sigllt.
3, Wear safety glasses, gloves and protective clothing.
4. Remove battery from vehicle. MAKE SURE THAT THE BATTERY HAS GOOD
VENTILATION, Tile process causes the release of hydrogen and oxygen. An
accumulation of these gases presents a real danger of explosion.
5. Open the battery cap, if removable.
6, Fill the battery with distilled water according to the manuf_]cturer's instructions.
Since batteries may rapidly bubble while being chalged, remember to lefill (only
with distilled water) after the equalization process is complete and the voltage is
brick tO nolrrlah
7, Follow the steps in the "Charging the Battery" section on page 5 of this manual.
8. Push the Battery Type Selector Switch until "WET" is displayed. (This mode will
only work if a WET battery is selected,)
9. Choose tlle correct charge rate and start charging. You can check the battery
voltage by pushillg the Battery Voltage button. This wil! trigger the Battery Voltage
indicator button.
10, Push the Equalize button at any time and the battery will automatically begin to
equalize in 4 amp limited current. Note that in order to push the recessed buuon
you will need a small pin or ballpoint pen.
11, Every hour, the temperature should be checked by touching the battery. If the
battery is hot to the touch, stop the charging and allow the battery to cool,
12. The w)ltage rises, but does ilOt go over 15.3v to 16.2v (2.55-2.7v per cell)
depending Ol_ambient temperature; it will automatically adjust.
13. The "WET" LED flashes while the charger is in equalize mode.
14. The digital readout will show "FUL" whell the equalization process is complete.
Engine Start
Tile EHgine Start function can supply ! 10 amps for engine starting.
1, Set the 4/10/20/40 AMP button to 40 amp mode and immediately pless the
110A button switch to activate the Ellgille Start mode.
2. The digital display will countdown from "999" to "000."
3. When the "000" count isreached and begins flashing oil the Display, the vehicle
is ready to start.
4. Crank the engine using manufacturer's guidelines, typically irl 3 to B second
bursts. The high current engine starting function requires a resting/cooling period
between tries. The charger will switch back to regular charge mode aRel
5 seconds and will not allow operation in this mode tot 4 minutes, Wait 4 to B
minutes before a second attempt at starting the engine, if needed.
5. During the rest period, the battery is charging at 40 amps. After engine starts,
follow the steps outlined in "lmportarlt Safety Instructions" at tile front of this
manual to disconnect,
Recondition Mode
Whenever a lead-acid battery begins to discharge, lead sulfate, an insulator, begins
to build up on the battery's internal plates. This reduces the ability of tile battery to
hold a full charge. When that battery has an immediate charge, most of the lead
sulfate is dissolved alld the plates are free of this illsulation. If a bauery remains in a
discharged condition over a longer period of time, the lead sulfate changes to a hard
clystalline form, making a full charge difficult to achieve, Reconditioning may "save"
a sulfated battery.
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