Display Indications/Common Problems/Possible Solutions
No Far.lions
• Check and make sure the charger is plugged into a live 1! 0/! 20 volt AC outlet,
• Follow the steps outlined in the Operating Instructions section.
F01 -- Internal Shorted Celt Battery
If the battery being charged has an internal shorted cell, tile F01 wil! show, We
recommend taking your battery to a certified automotive service center for evaluation.
F02 -- Bad Battery Connection or Battery Voltage Too Low to Accept
When F02 appears, the most common cause is poor connectior_ to battery,
- Follow the steps outlined in "Important Safety Instructions" at the front of this manual
to disconnect AC cord and clamps, clean battery terminal and reconnect.
• If the situation persists, we recommend taking your battery to a certified automotive
service center for evaluation,
F03 -- Sulfate or Unchargeable Battery
Appears when the battery is highly sulfated and cannot accept normal charge current,
- Follow the steps in "Recondition Mode" to recondition the battery.
• Follow the steps in "Equalizing" to equalize the battery.
. If the situation persists after reconditioning and equalizing, we recommend taking
your battery to a certified automotive service center for evaluation,
F04 -- Overtime Condition
Appears when charging time exceeds 18 hours. You may be using a charge current
rate too low for a large battery. Select highel charge rate to charge the battery.
F05 -- Overheated Condition
The ventilation grill that p=events the air from flowing in and out of the charge= may
be blocked.
• Follow the steps outlined in "Important Safety Instrudions" at the front of this manual to
disconnect AC cord and clamps, allow the unit to cool for 30 mint_es and rgconnect,
• Make sure there is ample ventilation before resuming operation,
F06 -- Reverse Polarity
The connections to the battery's POSITIVE and NEGATIVE terminals are incorrect,
Follow the steps outlined in "Important Safely Instructions" at the front of this manual
to disconnect AC cord and clamps and reconnect to battery with correct polarity,
F07 -- Alternator Voltage
Alternator output voltage is out of typical operation range,
Charging a Very Cold Battery
Ifthe battery to be charged is very cold (in temperatures below freezing -- 0°C/32°F),
it cannot accept a high rate of charge. The initial charge late will be low. The charge
rate will increase as the battery warms, Never attempt to charge a frozen battery,
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