This limited warranty progr.Rm is the only one that applies to INs producl, and il sets futth _ill the
responsibilities ofVector Manu_cluringr reoz_rding this product¸ There is no olher warrant_L o_her than th_
de_ribed helein
This Vector Manu_c[urirlg produc[ is warranted. _ the origirlal purcha_r onI_ to be flee of de_cts in
materials and workmanship for five years from lhe date of purchase without additional charge¸ 1]le
warra_ does t_t extend [o su_quent purchasers oFusers a_mJ_clurer will _ot b_ _ponsibJe for any
_mounl of damage irl excess of [he relail purchase pri_ of lhe product under any _ir_um_ances Incidental
and consequential damages a_ si]ecificaIiy exclud÷d from coverage under Ibis warran_
This product is no_ ir_ended for ¢ommel_i_l use Tills warr_y does rlo_apply to acce_ories or damage Io
units from misuse or incorrect ir_aIiation Misuse includes wiring or connecting Io improi_r polarily Rower
RETURN/REPAIR POLIC_ Dereclive products, other lhan accessories, may be rc4urned postage prepaid Io
marlL_ctu_ Any defec[Jve produce o_her than arxessoriesr that is _turrled to manufacturer wRhin 30 days
of the date of pu_hase will be replaced free or charge¸ If such a product is returned more than 30 days
bul less than five years from the pu_hz_se dale. manu_urer will repair lhe unit o_ at i_ option. _epi_ce it
free of cha_e
If the unit is i_.pairedr new or reconditioned replacement paris may be used. al manu_cturer_ o_ion A
uni_ may be replaced wi_h a r_w or re_ond_ioned unit of the same or compa_ble design¸ [he repaired or
rq_laced unit will the_l be warranled under lh÷ lerms o[ the remainder o[ theWalTanty period The customer
is lesponsible _r ti_e shipping cha_es on all returned Re_ after 30 days¸ During [he warranty period.
manu_c_urer will be responsible for the return shipping charges¸
LIMITATIONS: This warranty does not cover accessories, bulbs, f_es and batteries, defers resulting _om
ilormal wear and tenor(including chii]Sr smatches, abrasionsr discolo_ion or _ading due _o usage or¸
exRos_re Io sunIigI_, a_cidents, damage during shipping _o our service _ciiity. alterationsr uilaulhodzed
or _epai_ negJed, misuse, abuse. _iIure Iofollow instructions for care and maintena r'.C.erfire. flood and
Acts of God
If your problem is r_ covered by [his warrant, call _¢hnical Supporl at (800) 618-517_ _r genel_l
re1_air informalion and charges, if applicable You may also co,act us through our website a_
www ve_;torm_g corn
STATELAW RIGHTS: [his warranty g_es you specific legal rigl_ Some _ales do nol allow ]imilalions on
how long an implied war_ Ias_sor tile excJusion or limit_Jon o1 it_idental or consequential damages.
sothe exclusions or Iimitalior m_ated herein may nol apply l_is warranty gives _heRUrChaser specific lega]
righLs__her ¸ righLSrwhich vary from state _ _a_r may apply
TO REQUEST WARRANIY SERVICE FOR THIS PRODUCT: Conta_ Technical Suppo_ by [eiephor _r _X or
mail _ee below)¸ We suggest th_ you keep the original Rackaging in case you need to ship lhe unit¸ Wherl
returning a product, include your name. addre_r phone numbe_ dated s_les re(eip_ _r ¢oi_I and a
des_rii_ion of the reason _r re_um and product serial numbe_ After repairing or replacing _heunil. we will
make every effort _ re_urrl _ to you wilhin four weeks¸
WARRANTY ACTIVATION: Please complete Warran_ Activation Card and mail _o Vector Manu_uring
Ei_ter "VEC1093DBD'r as Model and _40/20/I 0/4 Amp 12 Volt Smart Autotoxic B_ery Charger" as
Rroduc[ _pe All Ve_[or produc_ must be _gistered within 30 days of purchase _ act _e this warranty¸
Mail ti_e completed regis_ra_ion _rmr along with a copy of _heorigina] sales r_ii>t to:
4140 SW 3OlhAver R hudeldale, FL33312
* TOLLFREE:(800) 618-5178 ° PAX:(954) 584-5556