VECI093DBDManual 050205 5/5/05 6:32 PM Page 4
Large (.375") 3-Character Digital Display in the upper left of the control panel
indicates the various conditions and/or status codes:
St_mJsCodes are described in the following chart and on the back of charger.
WET -- lights when batte W type selector is on WET battery type
GEL -- lights when battery type selector is on GEL battery type
AGIV[ -- lights when battery type selector is on AGM battery type.
Float Charge -- ligltts when automatic charge monitoring is active. This feature
allows a battery to maintain its charge over long periods of non-use. If there is any
loss of power to the charger once power is restored charger wil! automatically return
to the default settings. Battery selector type would be "GEL".
Battery Voltage -- lights when battery voltage is displayed.
Alternator Good -- lights when load or not load checks show tile alternator is
keeping up with the electrical load.
Equalize -- a recessed button used to start the equalization process.
Ensure that all installation and operating instructions and safety
precautions are understood and carefully followed by anyone
installing or using the charger. Follow the steps outlined in "important
Safety Instructions"at the frontof thismanual.
Charge Rate Selection
After charger clamps are correctly connected, plug in the charger to a 120 volt AC
outlet and the charger will show a circulating pattern on the Digital Display, indicating
power has been applied. Select the proper charge current rate based on battery size.
Press the 4/10/20/40 AMP button and the charger will begin charging at 4 amps.
Pressing the 4/10/20/40 AMP button again will advance the charge rate to 10
amps, again to 20 amps, and again to 40 amps. Pressing the switch again will turn
OFF the charger output and the display will show "000,"
Note: Theonly time the selected charge rate does not display at the full selected rate
iswhen thebatteryisnearlyfulland chargingateithersteptwo orthree.The
displaywill be showing a reduced charge rate.To returnt_ 2A, press the
2/20/40 AMP button.When thebatteryisfully charged,thechargingcomplete
and "FUL" is displayed on the Digital Display.
if Digital Display shows "FO2", the connection to the battery terminals
is bad. Follow the steps outlined in "important Safety Instructions"
at the front of this manual to disconnect, clean battery terminals,
then reconnect,
if Digital Display shows "F06", the Red (POSiTiVE) and Black
(NEGATIVE) clamps are incorrectly connected to batter] terminals.
Follow the steps outlined in "important Safety instructions" at the
front of this manual to disconnect, then reconnect in correct polarity.
Charging the Battery
1, Press Battery Type selector unti! desired battery type LED lights,
Note: The defaultselectionis"'GEL"typebattery.
2. Press 4/10/20/40 AMP button to begin charging at the 4 amp rate; the unit
sounds a beep and the cl/arging current LED lights. The charger starts cl/arging
at 4 amp rate automatically if 4/!0/20/40 AMP button is not pressed within 3
minutes after applying AC power.
If the Display on the charger varies between "E03" and the amp rate, the battery
is sulfated and the charger istrying to give it some charge. If aRer approximately
2 hours the display.just shows "F03", tl/erl the battery will not charge,
Charger occasionally sounds a beep and displays "0,0" during sell-test or
charging stage changes.
3. Pressing the 4/10/20/40 AMP button again advances charging rate to 10
amps, pressing once more advances charging rate to 20 amps, and again to 40
amps. (Pressing the button again will turn OFF the charger output arid the Display
will show "000",) This selection and actual battery charge rate are monitored by
the microprocessol, and the unit will stop charging if the selected late is too fast
or too slow for battery size or condition.
As the battery nears full charge capacity, tile unit's output will automatically drop
to a lower charge rate.