
User’s Guide 21020285 D
Chapter 6 Target Mode Pass-through Commands
Target Mode Response Command Page 6 - 17
Response Control Flags
Since the adapter, acting as a Target, controls the phases of the SCSI bus, this
field is important to use as a means of informing the RF3880 of what actions
it should take on the SCSI bus, during which phase. The format is as follows:
CSC Connected SCSI Command - The following conditions will cause
the adapter to hold connection to the SCSI bus: disconnects are not allowed by
either initiator or Host, ATN was asserted by the initiator, or certain error
conditions occurred. To continue processing the nexus for which the bus is held,
the Host must send a Target Mode Response command that has this bit set. This
Target Mode Response command’s Initiator ID, LUN, and Queue Tag ID fields
must exactly match the nexus for which the bus is held. If the SCSI bus is
disconnected, this bit is ignored.
0 If the SCSI bus is being held, defer execution of this command.
1 Execute this command to continue the current SCSI operation.
DSD Disconnect - This bit is used to tell the adapter to disconnect from the
SCSI bus after a new command is received as a result of either the CMD bit or
LSC bit being set.
0 This option will not be used.
1 The adapter must disconnect after receiving a new command.
BFR Bus Free Phase - Use this bit to cause an immediate Bus Free phase.
The adapter will send no message bytes before going to Bus Free phase. This
bit can be used to cause an unexpected disconnect.
0 This option will not be used.
1 The adapter will immediately go to Bus Free phase.
CMD Command Phase - Use this bit to cause the adapter to go to Command
phase and receive a new command from the initiator. Use the SMB with this
bit if a specified Message byte should be sent before going to Command phase.
This bit is only used to recover from unexpected events.
0 This option will not be used.
1 The adapter will go to Command phase to receive a new command from
the initiator.
NSC Normal SCSI command termination - Use this bit to cause the
adapter to terminate a normal command. The adapter will send the Status Byte
followed by the Message Byte and then go to Bus Free phase.
0 This option will not be used.
1 The adapter will terminate the command by going to Bus Free phase after
sending the Status Byte followed by the Message Byte.
Table 51: Meaning of Response Control Flags Field