
User’s Guide 21020285 D
Appendix D Defaults
Hardware Defaults Page D - 5
† This value is returned
when Synchronous
transfer rate is 10 MHz.
†† This value is returned
if the full QLogic FIFO
is in use.
Both values are zero if
operation is in
Asynchronous mode.
Engineering Revision XX
Depends on revision.Firmware Revision XX
Day, Month, Year XXXXXX
Options Flags = 14H
TAG bit 2 = 1 Tagged commands supported.
Reset bit 4 = 1
SCSI bus will reset at adapter reset - set by
board jumper default setting.
SCSI ID bits 0, 5, 6, 7 = 0 Set by board default jumper.
FW# of Even Prom XXXXXXXX Depends of revision.
Termination = 0H
Bad SCSI Term Power bit 1 = 0 TERM PWR is good.
Blown SCSI Fuse bit 2 = 0 Fuse us good.
Jumper Configuration 0H All jumpers removed.
Adapter Base Model 3880H RF3880 family of adapters.
Target - Disconnect Timeout 0H No timeout occurs.
Target - Retry Limit 0H No retries occur.
Target - Sense Count 08H First eight bytes of Sense Data.
Target - Device Flags = 0
Untagged Queueing bit 0 = 0 Allow 1 Command at a time.
Synch Negotiation bit 1 = 0 Synchronous negotiation no initiated
Inhibit ATN Signal bit 2 = 0 ATN will be asserted.
Wide Negotiation. bit 3 = 0 Wide negotiation not initiated.
Tagged Queueing bit 6 = 0 Tagged Queueing NOT enabled.
Issue Interrupt bit 8 = 0 No interrupt for retry.
Issue Status Block bit 9 = 0 No Status Block per retry.
Retry Parity Errors bit 10 = 0 No retry for Parity Errors.
Retry Command Errors bit 11 = 0 No retry for command errors.
Retry Bus Errors bit 12 = 0 No retry for bus errors.
Selected Sense bit 14 = 0 First 8 bytes of sense data returned.
Target - Synch Period † 19H Equates to 100 nanoseconds.
Target - Synch Offset †† 0FH QLogic chip limit. (15 REQ/ACK’s)
Target - Width 00H 8 bits
Target - Selected Sense Bytes all = 0 First eight bytes of Sense Data returned.
Command Parameters Default Values Meaning
Table 127: Command Defaults